Monday, July 1, 2024
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Mahatma Gandhi University has established two new schools in 2020 for fundamental as well as interdisciplinary studies and research namely (i) School of Mathematics & Statistics and  (ii) School of Data Analytics. In this new era of increasing thrust on Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Data Analytics and Data Science, there is wide scope and potential for offering postgraduate and research level interdisciplinary programs in these disciplines. Mathematics and Statistics are fundamental disciplines of knowledge and constitutes most important tools for all programs of study and research as well as science & technology, social sciences, health and welfare, industry, business and management.

Our Vice Chancellor Dr. Sabu Thomas has taken the initiative and the syndicate has decided to establish  School of Mathematics & Statistics and School of  Data Analytics during 2019-20. The Vice Chancellor has appointed Dr. K. K. Jose, former Professor & Head, Dept. of Statistics & Biostatistics and Principal of St. Thomas College, Palai as the Honorary Director for coordinating the academic activities of both the schools.Dr.Jose joined the university in Junee 2020. Dr. Jose is an eminent academician who had published over 150 research papers in reputed national/international journals, successfully supervised over 25 research scholars in Statistics, won several awards for teaching and research and had served as  Professor & Head of the Dept. of  Statistics at Central University of Rajasthan and was KSCSTE Emeritus Scientist.

In fact India had a rich heritage of Mathematicians and Statisticians like Srinivasa Ramanujan, Harish Chandra, P.C. Mahalanobis, C. R.  Rao, SRS Varadhan etc.  Kerala had a rich heritage of a School of Mathematics and Astronomy during 14th century,  founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama  which included among its members  ParameshvaraNeelakanta SomayajiJyeshtadevaAchyuta PisharatiMelpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar.  In statistics also we had a long list of internationally reputed researchers which includes U.S.Nair, K.R.Nair, KCS Pillai, Aleyamma George, R. N.Pillai,  A.M..Mathai, N.U.Nair, Bovas Abraham, Thomas Mathew etc.  Every year, Govt. of India has been celebrating National Mathematics Day on 22 December since 2012 and National Statistics Day on 29 June since 2006, in order to create interest  in Mathematics ad Statistics among children and public.  At national level the MHRD, DST,CSIR, NBHM etc are encouraging mathematics education and research with good financial support. The Govt. of Kerala and KSCSTE and Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan are making all efforts to make mathematics education interesting to students  and beneficial to the society.

The present era is an era of information technology  and data analytics. In the present data driven world all decisions and planning are based on statistics, data analytics and data science. High demand for experts in data analytics and data science is felt in research and development, science & technology, industry, health and epidemiology,  planning and forecasting, business and management, defense, transportation etc. Hence a School of Data Science and Data Analytics was an urgent need for ensuring high level research and employment potential for our students.  It is proposed to start the following interdisciplinary post-graduate programs of study under these schools during this academic year. (i) M.Sc. Mathematics (ii)  M.Sc. Statistics  (iii) M.Sc. Data Science and Analytics. One full semester Project Work and Internship are part of each program. The curriculum and syllabus for these programs are developed by eminent scholars and industry experts with a view to provide teaching, research and training  in emerging areas for meeting the demand from academia and industry. In addition to  the program of study, various workshops, seminars, conferences, lecture series etc by experts will be offered to encourage research and skill development to meet the emerging challenges.

In the Kerala Budget for 2021-22, the Govt. of Kerala has earmarked special funds for creating  two interdisciplinary schools namely (i) Interdisciplinary School of Mathematics & Statistics and (ii) Interdisciplinary School of Data Science & Data Analytics.  It is expected that both schools will emerge as internationally  reputed centers of research in Mathematical Sciences and Data Sciences. The Schools are functioning in the  newly built Convergence Academia Complex.

The following are the present faculty members.

School of Mathematics & Statistics:

  1. K.K.Jose (Director) M.Sc.M.Phil.Ph.D.Statistics
  2. Ajitha Sasi M.Sc.M.Phil.Ph.D.Statistics
  3. Lakshmi Rajeev M.Sc.(UGC NET, GATE qualified)
  4. Abraham K.Samuel M.Phil., Ph.D. (Thesis submitted) Mathematics
  5. Vivek S. M.Sc. Ph.D. Mathematics

School of Mathematics & Statistics:

  1. K.K.Jose (Director) M.Sc.M.Phil.Ph.D.Statistics
  2. Satheesh S. M.Sc. Ph.D. Statistics
  3. Aswathy N. Rajan MCA (UGC NET qualified)

During 2021-22 admission was offered based on the scre obtained in CAT 2021   and  the student strength is as follows.

(i) M.Sc. Mathematics -8  (ii) M.Sc. Statistics -14 

 (iii) M.Sc. Data Science and Analytics -17