Wednesday, March 19, 2025
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Dr. K. K. Jose is awarded ISPS Fellowship

In recognition of his significant contributions in the field of Probability and Statistics at national and international levels, the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics(ISPS) has honored Dr. K. K. Jose, Director School of Mathematics & Statistics and School of Data Analytics by awarding the Fellowship of ISPS in 2022 in its Annual Conference held at Osmania University, Hyderabad during 10-13 March 2022. Earlier in 2020, the Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS) has awarded him the ISMS Fellowship. He is already an Elected Fellow of International Statistical Institute, Netherlands and the Royal Statistical Society U.K. He had published over 150 research papers, authored 6 books and successfully guided over 25 research scholars leading to Ph.D. in statistics.

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